2024 K-UAM Confex

연사소개 - 1일차

전체 24건, 1페이지

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    도시 미래 모빌리티 발전 전략

    최기영/Kee-young Choi

    항공우주공학과 교수

    ▶ 서울대학교 항공공학 학, 석사. Stanford 대학 항공우주공학 박사
    ▶ 인하대학교 항공우주공학과 교수, 교학부총장, 교무처장, 국제처장 역임
    ▶ 항공우주학회 정책위원장
    ▶ 공군정책발전자문위원
    ▶ 방위사업청 감항인증심의위원회 위원 역임
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    도시 미래 모빌리티 발전 전략

    Sofia Stayte

    UK 교통부
    교통부 국장

    Sofia is an experienced government professional skilled in policy development, implementation, and public finance. Sofia’s experience includes heading the Independent State Pension Age Review for the UK Government, leading Private Pensions policy, Programme Strategy and Benefits Realisation for the Fraud and Error Programme and leading the European Social Fund programme on skills and employment investment in the Department for Work and Pensions.
    Previously Sofia's career included public finance and accountancy roles in 4 different local authorities such as the Metropolitan Police. During her DfT career, Sofia set up and led a new Rail Workforce Strategy policy, led on Aviation Brexit Negotiations, Aviation Consumer and International Travel policy during Covid, before her current role leading on Future of Flight. Sofia is a member of the Government Policy Profession and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting
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    도시 미래 모빌리티 발전 전략

    이대성/Dae-Sung Lee


    ▶ 1986.10 ~ 1990.12 : 미국 Avco Research Laboratory, Textron, Senior Scientist
    ▶ 1991.03 ~ 2021.09 : 한국항공우주연구원, 항공혁신기술연구소장 등
    ▶ 2009.01 ~ 2010.12 : 한국추진공학회 회장
    ▶ 2011.07 ~ 2013.02 : 국가과학기술위원회 민군기술협력 특별위원회 위원
    ▶ 2012.01 ~ 2013.12 : 한국유체기계학회 회장, 한국항공우주학회 부회장
    ▶ 2017.05 ~ 2019.10 : 방위사업청 한국형전투기(KF-X)사업 자문위원회 전문위원
    ▶ 2021.09 ~ 현 재 : 항공안전기술원 원장
    ▶ 2022.01 ~ 현 재 : 국토교통부 항공정책위원회 위원
    ▶ 2023.02 ~ 현 재 : 국토교통부 모빌리티 혁신포럼 운영위원
    ▶ 2024.10 ~ 현 재 : 제12기 국가교통위원회 위원
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    도시 미래 모빌리티 발전 전략

    유창경/Chang-Kyung Ryoo


    ▶1991.03 ~ 2006.08 국방과학연구소 선임연구원
    ▶2006.09 ~ 현재 인하대학교 교수
    ▶2012.09 ~ 2014.04 인하대학교 LINC 사업단 부단장
    ▶2013.02 ~ 2015.07 인하대학교 산학협력단 산학협력본부장
    ▶2014.01 ~ 2019.12 International Journal of Control, Automation & System Associate Editor
    ▶2015.04 ~ 2018.12 인천광역시 항공정책위원회 위원
    ▶2016.08 ~ 현재 IEEE Tr. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems Associate Editor
    ▶2017.08 ~ 2019.07 국가과학기술자문회의 심의회의 다부처특위 위원
    ▶2019.01 ~ 현재 국가과학기술자문회의 국방전문위원회 위원
    ▶2019.11 ~ 현재 국토교통부 항공정책실무위원회 위원
    ▶2021.02 ~ 2022.11 인하대학교 산학협력단 산학협력단장
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    도시 미래 모빌리티 발전 전략

    Damien Pereira

    주한 퀘벡정부 대표부

    다미앙 페레이라는 2024년 5월 주한 퀘벡정부 대표부 대표로 임명되었습니다.
    최근까지 퀘벡의 항공우주 클러스터인 에어로 몬트리올에서 성장 및 국제 업무 이사로 재직했습니다. 에어로 몬트리올 입사 전에는 퀘벡 경제·혁신· 에너지부의 혁신 관련분야 국내외 파트너십 부서에서 국제 분야를 관장했습니다.
    2011년부터 2021년까지는 파리 소재 퀘벡정부 대표부와 캐나다 밴쿠버 주재 퀘벡정부 대표부에서 경제 및 혁신담당 상무관, 상무부 대표 직무대행을 연이어 역임했습니다. 해당 기간 동안, 신규시장 개척을 위한 전략을 수립하고 수출 기업들의 성장을 지원하기 위해 대규모 산업 행사들을 관리했습니다.
    또한 밴쿠버 소재 인도 총영사관과 오타와 소재 인도 고등판무관 사무소 개소를 위한 캐나다 서부 영사 센터를 설립하는 데 필요한 컨설팅 서비스를 제공했습니다. 이외 프랑스, 호주, 밴쿠버에서 플라스틱, 컴퓨터 공학 및 운송 분야의 민간 부문에서 다양한 직책을 맡았습니다.
    파리 13 국제경영대학 졸업 후, 파리 도핀 대학교 조직학 및 공공업무 석사 학위 및 밴쿠버의 그레이스톤 컬리지 국제 비즈니스 경영학 학위를 취득했습니다. 또한 퀘벡-한국 비즈니스 협회의 창립 멤버로 2024년까지 역임한 바 있습니다.
    최근 2024년까지 글로벌 항공우주 클러스터 파트너십(GACP)의 이사회 멤버로 활동하는 등 국제 협력에도 적극적으로 참여하고 있습니다.
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    도시 미래 모빌리티 발전 전략

    Alexandre Lang

    Safran Korea

    Alexandre Lang started his career in the aerospace industry in 1997, working first in sales for the air parts trading company Flightspares Ltd, then in business development for avionics and aerostructures systems at Goodrich Aerospace. He subsequently joined Safran Landing Systems as Customer Support Director for Central Europe and the Middle East in 2001. In this role, he was in charge of customer satisfaction with Airbus and a number of major airlines. In 2006, he moved on to Safran Transmission Systems as Sales and Contracts Director, managing up to €400M of yearly sales. In 2008, he joined Safran Aircraft Engines as Marketing Program Director and launched the CFM TRUEngineTM program in partnership with GE, before joining the Commercial Engines Product and Market Strategy Directorate in 2011 where he was in charge of strategic market forecasts, prospective and scenario planning for the company as well as the Safran Group. In July 2023, he was nominated as the National Delegate for the Safran Group in Korea and CEO of the Seoul-based Safran Korea subsidiary.
    Alexandre Lang obtained a M2 Masters in Sales & Marketing at the EM Strasbourg Management College in 1997, as well as two M1 Masters in International Trading, and Management & Economy. He also spent a year as an MBA exchange student at Boston College, MA, USA, majoring in Customer Behavior and Marketing. He currently serves as a Sr. Reserve Officer in the Innovation directorate of the French Air and Space Force HQ’s. He is also a published author of several techno-thrillers
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    독일 UAM/AAM 실증 비행 프로젝트 소개

    Teemu Joonas Lieb

    German Aerospace Center (DLR)
    Business Manager of Institute of Flight Guidance

    Joonas Lieb graduated with a Masters´ Degree in Aerospace Engineering (2017) from the RWTH University in Aachen, Germany. Since 2017 he works as a scientific associate for the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Braunschweig in the department of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) of the Institute of Flight Guidance. Recently, he has been promoted as the business manager of his department.
    Mr. Lieb works in a variety of national and international projects for DLR, with a special focus on how to integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems into the existing airspace. Among others, thematic topics such as U-space, Dynamic Airspace Reconfiguration and conflict detection and resolution are within his area of expertise.
    In 2019 Mr. Lieb become an official drone pilot for DLR. He obtained his drone pilot license for Germany as well as Italy, and is actively operating drones for several years now.
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    일본 UAM 산업 육성 정책

    Kenichi Yamamoto

    Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan
    Director for Policy Planning and Coordination

    As a civil engineering employee of a local government, worked mainly in the fields of urban development, urban planning.
    In April 2023, moved to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. In this position, based on knowledge of local government and urban planning, in charge of accelerating the implementation of AAM and drones in society.
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    The United Kingdom's Future of Flight Programme

    Sofia Stayte

    Department for Transport
    Head of Future of Flight Team

    Sofia is an experienced government professional skilled in policy development, implementation, and public finance. Sofia’s experience includes heading the Independent State Pension Age Review for the UK Government, leading Private Pensions policy, Programme Strategy and Benefits Realisation for the Fraud and Error Programme and leading the European Social Fund programme on skills and employment investment in the Department for Work and Pensions.
    Previously Sofia's career included public finance and accountancy roles in 4 different local authorities such as the Metropolitan Police. During her DfT career, Sofia set up and led a new Rail Workforce Strategy policy, led on Aviation Brexit Negotiations, Aviation Consumer and International Travel policy during Covid, before her current role leading on Future of Flight. Sofia is a member of the Government Policy Profession and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting.
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    The Future Flight Challenge

    Gary Cutts

    Innovate UK
    Challenge Director

    Launching and leading the UK Government’s £300m mission to create the ecosystem for a sustainable, distributed and digitally enabled new aviation sector. Combining the technology, social, regulatory, political and commercial aspects to position the UK as a global leader addressing a $100bn+ market.
    Creating the corporate vision and strategy to digitalise Rolls-Royce engineering. Leading the enterprise transformation portfolio giving ten-fold improvement in design time and targetting £500m annual benefits.
    Creating and leading global organisations and activities within Rolls-Royce including the System Design function, the Civil Aerospace Service business and the Engineering Capability programme.
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    Introduction to Nordic UAM/AAM industry development plan

    Niels Erik Haug-Larsen

    덴마크 오덴세
    CEO of the Business Hub / Erhvervshus Fyn

    With over 30 years of experience in the realms of strategic business development and organizational leadership, Niels Erik stands as a seasoned executive known for fostering visionary leadership and cultivating cohesive, psychologically safe environments. As the CEO of Erhvervshus Fyn, he has adeptly merged diverse organizational entities and spearheaded initiatives that have positioned Funen as a global hub for robotics innovation.
    Niels Erik' leadership philosophy emphasizes trust and collaboration, making him a pivotal figure in navigating complex stakeholder landscapes and driving forward-thinking projects that resonate on both a local and international scale.
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    UAM/AAM Activity in Florida

    Ron Lau

    Space Florida Corporate Development
    Senior Vice President

    Ron Lau is the Senior Vice President of Corporate Development & Capital Programs at Space Florida, focused on increasing access to new capital sources, growing Space Florida’s portfolio, and further expanding its reach throughout the state. His background includes co-founder, executive and advisory roles in venture and private equity backed technology companies in addition to previous product, strategy, and general management responsibilities at large telecommunications companies, as well as M&A consulting in the healthcare and technology industries. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Finance from the University of Connecticut and a Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration from Emory University.
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    NeoCity – Be First to What’s Next

    Hunter Honghyun Kim

    Osceola County
    Director, Economic Development

    Hunter Honghyun Kim is the Economic Development Center Director for Osceola County. In his professional life, Hunter founded Florida International College in 2008 in Orlando, Florida with the vision to provide new opportunities and open doors for students. In 2016, Florida
    International College established a new campus in Kissimmee and Hunter became an active member in the Osceola County professional community. Hunter found a unique balance in Osceola County, where the preservation of history and heritage coexist with the drive toward the future and technological advancement.
    Hunter began promoting economic growth and development in the community by advocating and establishing relationships with international companies, universities, and research institutions to expand their operations to the County. Through his efforts, Osceola County is forging strategic partnerships for global innovation and ecosystem building. His strength in building relationships, both personal and business, expands across borders and cultures, bringing prosperity to all.
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    UAM/AAM development and certification policy in Italy

    Ennio Borgna


    Ennio Borgna graduated in Electronic Engineering from the University of Rome "Sapienza". Since 2003 he has been in ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) initially in the Center Operations Directorate, dealing with certification and surveillance of maintenance organisations, production organizations and commercial air transport operators.
    Since 2021, at the Regulation and Research Directorate of Innovative Mobility of Enac, he has been responsible for issuing operational authorizations in specific categories pursuant to EU Implementing Regulation 2021/947 and for issuing LUC (Light Unmanned Certificate) certifications.
    He was also Project Manager of the AURORA project (itAlian Urban aiR mObility technologies and distRibuted test fAcility) financed by ASI (Italian Space Agency) and managed by ESA (European Space Agency).
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    Vertiport plans of Rome Airport and Europe

    Ermanno Forastiere

    Urban V
    Business Development Associate

    Ermanno Forastiere is Business Development Associate at UrbanV
    He holds a Master Degree in Business Management. His career, focused on innovation and sustainability, began in strategy and business development at TIM, a leading international Telco player, where he primarily worked in scouting, business origination, partnership management, business design and business model innovation for strategic and innovative projects. Later, at UrbanV he is leading international business development activities, strategic partnerships and product development.