2024 K-UAM Confex

연사소개 - 2일차

전체 25건, 1페이지

  • 25
    Welcoming Remarks

    Damien Pereira

    주한 퀘벡정부 대표부
    Chief Representative

    다미앙 페레이라는 2024년 5월 주한 퀘벡정부 대표부 대표로 임명되었습니다.
    최근까지 퀘벡의 항공우주 클러스터인 에어로 몬트리올에서 성장 및 국제 업무 이사로 재직했습니다. 에어로 몬트리올 입사 전에는 퀘벡 경제·혁신· 에너지부의 혁신 관련분야 국내외 파트너십 부서에서 국제 분야를 관장했습니다.
    2011년부터 2021년까지는 파리 소재 퀘벡정부 대표부와 캐나다 밴쿠버 주재 퀘벡정부 대표부에서 경제 및 혁신담당 상무관, 상무부 대표 직무대행을 연이어 역임했습니다. 해당 기간 동안, 신규시장 개척을 위한 전략을 수립하고 수출 기업들의 성장을 지원하기 위해 대규모 산업 행사들을 관리했습니다.
    또한 밴쿠버 소재 인도 총영사관과 오타와 소재 인도 고등판무관 사무소 개소를 위한 캐나다 서부 영사 센터를 설립하는 데 필요한 컨설팅 서비스를 제공했습니다. 이외 프랑스, 호주, 밴쿠버에서 플라스틱, 컴퓨터 공학 및 운송 분야의 민간 부문에서 다양한 직책을 맡았습니다.
    파리 13 국제경영대학 졸업 후, 파리 도핀 대학교 조직학 및 공공업무 석사 학위 및 밴쿠버의 그레이스톤 컬리지 국제 비즈니스 경영학 학위를 취득했습니다. 또한 퀘벡-한국 비즈니스 협회의 창립 멤버로 2024년까지 역임한 바 있습니다.
    최근 2024년까지 글로벌 항공우주 클러스터 파트너십(GACP)의 이사회 멤버로
  • 24
    Introduction to Québec aerospace innovation zone and to Québec-Korea collaboration opportunities

    Dr. Besma Benredjem

    주한 퀘벡정부 대표부
    Scientist in residence

    Dr. Besma Benredjem is the scientist in residence/Science advisor at the Québec government in Seoul where she promotes and facilitates the development of research, scientific and technological collaborations between Québec and South Korea in various fields (aerospace, advanced materials, biotechnology, AI, Smart cities, Energy Transition, Quantum Technologies etc.). A graduate of the University of Montreal, she holds a master’s degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine and a PhD in Pharmacology and Neurosciences.
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    Hyundai UAM 기체 소개

    이중현/Jung-hyun Lee

    현대자동차 AAM개발추진팀

    ▶ 2009.2~2009.10 한국항공우주연구원 스마트무인기사업단 비행체개발팀 근무
    ▶ 2009.10~2019.7 대한항공기술연구원 개발1팀 근무
    ▶ 2019.7~현재 현대자동차 AAM본부 근무
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    New Urban Model for future Mobility

    박혜성/Hye-sung Park


    ▶2018~현재 현대건설 모빌리티인프라 연구팀
  • 21
    SK Telecom, Our Journey to Urban Air Mobility (Ecosystem & Challenges)

    김정일/Jeong-il Kim


    ▶ 2023.12 ~ SK 텔레콤 Global Solution UAM추진 담당(부사장)
    ▶ 2022.02 ~ SK 텔레콤 UAM실증사업팀 팀장
    ▶ 2019.01 ~ SK 텔레콤 5GX Cloud사업본부 팀장

    * Yonsei University, Economics Bachelor’s degress, 2001
    * Seoul National University, Business Administration and Management MBA, 2010
  • 20
    Global UTM Development: A Key Enabler of UAM

    Yuki Ueno

    Terra Drone Corporation
    Executive Officer

    Yuki, an Australian-born graduate of Keio University with a degree in law, began his career in the information and communications department of ITOCHU Corporation. He joined Terra Drone Corporation in 2017, where he led the development of data processing and analysis software. After managing operations in India and Europe, he became the Director and COO of Unifly in 2022, overseeing key areas like Project Management, Finance, Legal, and Account Management. Under his leadership, Unifly, a global leader in UTM for drones and AAM, experienced significant growth and improved profit margins. In 2024, following Terra Drone's strategic investment in Aloft Technologies, Yuki became a Board Member and now leads national and global UTM initiatives at Terra Drone.global UTM initiatives at Terra Drone.
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    Safran AAM Activities

    Alexandre LANG

    Safran Korea
    CEO of Safran Korea

    Alexandre Lang started his career in the aerospace industry in 1997, working first in sales for the air parts trading company Flightspares Ltd, then in business development for avionics and aerostructures systems at Goodrich Aerospace. He subsequently joined Safran Landing Systems as Customer Support Director for Central Europe and the Middle East in 2001. In this role, he was in charge of customer satisfaction with Airbus and a number of major airlines. In 2006, he moved on to Safran Transmission Systems as Sales and Contracts Director, managing up to €400M of yearly sales. In 2008, he joined Safran Aircraft Engines as Marketing Program Director and launched the CFM TRUEngineTM program in partnership with GE, before joining the Commercial Engines Product and Market Strategy Directorate in 2011 where he was in charge of strategic market forecasts, prospective and scenario planning for the company as well as the Safran Group. In July 2023, he was nominated as the National Delegate for the Safran Group in Korea and CEO of the Seoul-based Safran Korea subsidiary.
    Alexandre Lang obtained a M2 Masters in Sales & Marketing at the EM Strasbourg Management College in 1997, as well as two M1 Masters in International Trading, and Management & Economy. He also spent a year as an MBA exchange student at Boston College, MA, USA, majoring in Customer Behavior and Marketing. He currently serves as a Sr. Reserve Officer in the Innovation directorate of the French Air and Space Force HQ’s. He is also a published author of several techno-thrillers.
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    UAM 기체 개발/비즈니스 전략 소개

    차봉근/Peter Cha

    한국항공우주산업 KAI
    미래비행체사업팀 부장

    ▶1996 현대우주항공 입사
    ▶1996~1999 항공기 구조설계
    ▶1999~2006 항공기 생산기술
    ▶2006~2015 민수 기체 영업
    ▶2016~2023 전사 기획/전략 총괄
    ▶2024~현재 AAV개발 사업기획
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    인천계양 신도시 UAM 도입 검토와 테스트베드 구축 현황

    김영인/Young-In Kim


    ▶ 2003~2009 한국토지공사
    ▶ 2009~ 한국토지주택공사
    ▶ 2010 공학박사 (한양대학교 도시공학)
    ▶ 2021 UAM Team KOREA 실무분과 및 워킹그룹 주도기관 총괄 담당
    ▶ 2021 버티포트 입지·도시계획
    ▶ 2022 스마트시티
    ▶ 2023 버티포트개발사업
    ▶ 2024~ 3기신도시 인천계양테크노밸리 조성공사 및 인허가 총괄
  • 16
    Vertiport Design Solutions – Flexibility and Adaptability

    Tim Hudson

    Principal, Global Aviation Practice Area Leader

    As a Global Aviation Practice Area Leader at Gensler, Tim brings more than 30 years of experience in the planning, design and delivery of international airport projects. Working at some of the world’s busiest airports such as ATL, DFW and LAX, he has supported both airports and airlines in delivery of successful projects in active airport environments. With a focus on passenger processing and experience, Tim has become the firms leader in the UAM marketplace, having led design efforts for vertistops, vertiports and vertihubs both in the United States and abroad.
    He earned his Bachelor’s of Environmental Design degree at Texas A&M University and is currently a licensed Architect in the United States.
  • 15
    Launching a Commercial AAM Vertiport Network

    Mitcell Williams

    Country GM,Korea

    Mitchell Williams is the Korea Country Manager for global advanced air mobility (AAM)
    infrastructure developer and operator, and drone services provider, Skyports.
    Appointed to establish Skyports’ Korea office in 2023, he oversees both the company’s
    infrastructure and drone services operations. As Korea Country Manager, Mitchell leads in
    facilitating an extensive list of priorities including local stakeholder engagement, real
    estate agreements, regulatory discussions, operational procedures and enabling
    An experienced General Manager and Consultant, Mitchell has helped organizations, from
    startups to Fortune 500s, grow their presence in Korea. With branch development as a
    core skill, his career spans over 20 years, focusing on expanding the reach of both inward
    and outward-facing businesses in the country. He led Curtiss-Wright Corp. as the APAC
    Regional Managing Director from 2013-2019.
  • 14
    UAM 분야 R&D 성과 소개

    문우춘/Woo-choon Moon


    ▶ 2020. 07 ~ 현재 : 항공우주산학융합원 첨단항공우주기술연구소 소장
    ▶ 2022. 05 ~ 현재 : G 3AM 의장
  • 13
    How EDB could support UAM/AAM players in expanding their business in Singapore

    Trevor Wong

    싱가포르 경제개발청
    Regional Director, Japan & Korea, Singapore EDB

    Mr. Trevor Wong is the Regional Director of the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB). He is based in Korea and oversees the engagement of global companies to facilitate investments and transform their operations in Singapore. Concurrently, Trevor is on EDB’s Japan & Korea desk where he works closely with business associations and chambers of commerce to help their members succeed in Asia via Singapore.
    Prior to his current appointment, Trevor was in EDB’s Hub Services & Connectivity division where he supported the development of Singapore’s supply chain strategy through initiatives like warehouse transformation and supply chain control tower.
    Trevor received his bachelor’s degree in Creative Technology Management from Yonsei University in South Korea.
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    UAM 운항 및 교통관리 실증

    김재우/Jae-woo Kim

    대한항공 항공기술연구원

    ▶ 2021 광운대 방위사업학 박사 (논문 : UAS)
    ▶ 2022~대한항공 UAM PM
    ▶ 2022~G3AM 정책/협력 분과위원장
    ▶ 2023~항공교통학회 이사
  • 11
    Holistic User Research for Passenger Drones: Identifying Acceptance Criteria and Expectations for Adoption

    Dr. Andreas Riener

    Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI)
    Professor for Human-Machine Interaction and Virtual Reality

    Prof. Dr. Andreas Riener is an enthusiastic computer scientist with extensive experience in User Experience Design (UXD), Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and Ergonomics, focusing on future mobility applications including automated shuttle buses and UAM. As the founder and team lead of the interdisciplinary Human-Computer Interaction Group at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), Andreas oversees a team of approximately 20 PhD students, postdocs, and technical staff.
    Andreas Riener is a dedicated lecturer in UXD, HCI, and Computer Science, recognized for excellence in education, having received the Outstanding Teaching Award from the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs in 2018. Prof. Riener has served as the program leader for the UXD programs at THI, managing both undergraduate (2015-2023) and graduate (since 2020) programs. Committed to supporting the scientific community, Andreas Riener is an elected member of the DFG Review Board for the 2024-2028 term, contributes to the ACM AutomotiveUI and Mensch & Computer conference series, and serves as chair of the ACM SIGCHI German Chapter. Andreas Riener is also a founding member of the ethics committee for Bavaria’s universities GEHBa.
    With a proven record in collaborative research, Andreas Riener has successfully secured over €6 million in funding for industrial and governmental projects over the last 7 years. He has authored or contributed to more than 350 publications.