2024 K-UAM Confex

Speaker - Day 2

전체 5건, 1페이지

SESSION 06 : UAM & entrepreneur Ⅲ

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    How EDB could support UAM/AAM players in expanding their business in Singapore

    Trevor Wong

    Singapore Economic Development Board
    Regional Director

    Mr. Trevor Wong is the Regional Director of the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB). He is based in Korea and oversees the engagement of global companies to facilitate investments and transform their operations in Singapore. Concurrently, Trevor is on EDB’s Japan & Korea desk where he works closely with business associations and chambers of commerce to help their members succeed in Asia via Singapore.
    Prior to his current appointment, Trevor was in EDB’s Hub Services & Connectivity division where he supported the development of Singapore’s supply chain strategy through initiatives like warehouse transformation and supply chain control tower.
    Trevor received his bachelor’s degree in Creative Technology Management from Yonsei University in South Korea.
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    UAM/AAM development and certification policy in Italy

    Ennio Borgna


    Ennio Borgna graduated in Electronic Engineering from the University of Rome "Sapienza". Since 2003 he has been in ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) initially in the Center Operations Directorate, dealing with certification and surveillance of maintenance organisations, production organizations and commercial air transport operators.
    Since 2021, at the Regulation and Research Directorate of Innovative Mobility of Enac, he has been responsible for issuing operational authorizations in specific categories pursuant to EU Implementing Regulation 2021/947 and for issuing LUC (Light Unmanned Certificate) certifications.
    He was also Project Manager of the AURORA project (itAlian Urban aiR mObility technologies and distRibuted test fAcility) financed by ASI (Italian Space Agency) and managed by ESA (European Space Agency).
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    Standardization of UAM Control system

    Jae woo Kim

    Korean air
    Korean Air professional members

    ▶ 기계공학 석사 , 국방경영학 박사
    ▶ 1999.10 월 대한항공 입사 , 무인기 개발 기획 영업 담당
    ▶ 현 UAM 섹션장 부장
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    UAM/AAM technology development cases

    Dr. Andreas Riener

    Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI)
    Professor for Human-Machine Interaction and Virtual Reality

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    UAM/AAM technology development cases

    Antonios Tsourdos

    Cranfield University
    Professor of Autonomous Systems and Control

    Antonios Tsourdos obtained an MEng on Electronic, Control and Systems Engineering from the University of Sheffield (1995), an MSc on Systems Engineering from Cardiff University (1996) and a PhD on Nonlinear Robust Flight Control Design and Analysis from Cranfield University (1999). He is a Professor of Autonomous Systems and Control with Cranfield University. He was appointed Head of the Autonomous Systems Group in 2007, Head of the Centre of Autonomous and Cyber-Physical Systems in 2012 and Director of Research - Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing in 2015.
    Professor Tsourdos was chair of the IFAC Technical Committee on Aerospace Control (2017 - 2023), and member of the IMechE Mechatronics, Informatics And Control Group. He is editorial board member for the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, the Aerospace Science and Technology, the International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, the Control Engineering Practice, the International Journal of Systems Science and the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. He has also served in the editorial board member of the IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems and the IEEE Transactions of Instrumentation and Measurement.
    He is member of AIAA Advanced Air Mobility Certification Task Force. He is leading for Cranfield University a number of UKRI Future Flight Challenge projects on advanced air mobility operations.
    Professor Tsourdos research is focussed on autonomy. He has published widely on guidance, control and navigation for single and multiple autonomous vehicles as well as mission planning.