Advanced Air Mobility Operations – Research Challenges and Developments 2
신효상/Hyo-Sang Shin
Cranfield University
Professor Hyo-Sang Shin is Professor in Cho Chun Shik Postgraduate School of Mobility at KAIST and Professor of Guidance, Control and Navigation Systems in Centre for Autonomous and Cyber-Physical Systems at Cranfield University. He received his BSc from Pusan National University on Aerospace Engineering in 2004 and gained an MSc on flight dynamics, guidance and control in Aerospace Engineering from KAIST and a PhD on cooperative missile guidance from Cranfield University in 2006 and 2011, respectively. He joined Cranfield University in 2011 as a lecturer, equivalent to assistant professor. From 2024, he joined KAIST as Professor and retained his professorship position at Cranfield University as an adjunct professor. He has published over 250 journal and conference papers and has been invited for many lectures, invited talks and keynotes both in Universities and industries mainly on autonomous and intelligent systems. He has been also involved in many research programmes such as Future Flight (Innovate UK), UTM (Connected Places Catapult), design of UAV airborne monitoring system (sponsored by DSTL) and development of information fusion algorithms for contextual awareness enhancement (supported by Selex Galileo) in the UK and started quite a few new projects in South Korea. Professor Shin has also been the coordinator of the EuroSWARM project (supported by European Defence Agency), which develops and demonstrates key enabling technologies for the unmanned swarm systems. He is also leading a research project, Real-time Decision Making for Autonomous Systems using AI Methods, supported by EOARD. Professor Shin has significant experiences and track records in autonomous and intelligent system related R&D projects. Professor Shin is a member of various technical committees (IFAC Technical Committee on Aerospace Control, IEEE Technical Committee on Aerial Robotics and Unmanned Aerial Systems), and program and editorial boards. He was programme co-chair of the 21st IFAC Symposium on Aerospace Control and programme chair of the 2019 IEEE Conference on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (RED-UAS). He is also an Associate Editor of various prestigious journals such as IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems and Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. He has won a few best paper awards and was the recipient of the Jeong Hun Cho Academic Award in 2024.
Professor Shin is Head of Autonomous and Intelligent Lab and leading relevant research areas in KAIST and Cranfield University. The current research activities he is leading and being involved include, but not being limited to, UAM, UTM, decision making on multi-agent systems, information-driven sensing and fusion, multiple target tracking, improvement of multiple vehicle cooperation, and data-centric guidance and control.