2024 K-UAM Confex

Speaker - Day 2

전체 20건, 1페이지

  • 20
    UAM Operation Policy

    Young Min Kwon

    Incheon International Airport
    Ph.D. Airports Industrial Technology Research Institute

    ▶ 2019. 08 KAIST 교통공학 박사
    ▶ 2019. 08 ~ 2020. 07 KAIST 기계기술연구원 연수연구원
    ▶ 2020. 07 ~ 현재 인천국제공항공사 공항산업기술연구원 선임연구원
    ▶ 2023. 11 ~ 2025. 10 인천광역시 스마트도시사업협의회 위원
    ▶ 2022 ~ 현재 K-UAM 스마트시티 분과위원
  • 19
    UAM Aircraft Development/Business Strategy

    Joong hyun Lee

    Hyundai Motors

    ▶ 2009.2~2009.10 한국항공우주연구원 스마트무인기사업단 비행체개발팀 근무
    ▶ 2009.10~2019.7 대한항공기술연구원 개발1팀 근무
    ▶ 2019.7~현재 현대자동차 AAM본부 근무
  • 18
    UAM Aircraft Development/Business Strategy

    Jeong Il Kim

    Vice president

    ▶ 2023.12 ~ SK 텔레콤 Global Solution UAM추진 담당(부사장)
    ▶ 2022.02 ~ SK 텔레콤 UAM실증사업팀 팀장
    ▶ 2019.01 ~ SK 텔레콤 5GX Cloud사업본부 팀장

    * Yonsei University, Economics Bachelor’s degress, 2001
    * Seoul National University, Business Administration and Management MBA, 2010
  • 17
    Global UTM Development: A Key Enabler of UAM

    Yuki Ueno

    Terra Drone Corporation
    Executive Officer

    Yuki, an Australian-born graduate of Keio University with a degree in law, began his career in the information and communications department of ITOCHU Corporation. He joined Terra Drone Corporation in 2017, where he led the development of data processing and analysis software. After managing operations in India and Europe, he became the Director and COO of Unifly in 2022, overseeing key areas like Project Management, Finance, Legal, and Account Management. Under his leadership, Unifly, a global leader in UTM for drones and AAM, experienced significant growth and improved profit margins. In 2024, following Terra Drone's strategic investment in Aloft Technologies, Yuki became a Board Member and now leads national and global UTM initiatives at Terra Drone.global UTM initiatives at Terra Drone.
  • 16
    Vertiport plans of Rome Airport and Europe

    Calogero Glammusso

    Head of Operations

    Aviation professional with over 14 years of wide-ranging experience in airport operations management, safety management and process development.
    Deep knowledge in flight operations, infrastructure design and compliance with ICAO and EASA regulations.
    Passionately engaged in tackling the new aviation challenges related to Advanced Air Mobility through innovation, technology, and new smart ideas.
    Author of several scientific publications on environmental/safety issues and holder of a private pilot license.
  • 15
    Vertiport Design Solutions – Flexibility and Adaptability

    Tim Hudson

    Principal, Global Aviation Practice Area Leader

    As a Global Aviation Practice Area Leader at Gensler, Tim brings more than 30 years of experience in the planning, design and delivery of international airport projects. Working at some of the world’s busiest airports such as ATL, DFW and LAX, he has supported both airports and airlines in delivery of successful projects in active airport environments. With a focus on passenger processing and experience, Tim has become the firms leader in the UAM marketplace, having led design efforts for vertistops, vertiports and vertihubs both in the United States and abroad.
    He earned his Bachelor’s of Environmental Design degree at Texas A&M University and is currently a licensed Architect in the United States.
  • 14
    Launching a Commercial AAM Vertiport Network

    Yunyuan Tay

    Head of APAC

    Yun-Yuan Tay is the Head of Asia-Pacific (APAC) for global Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) infrastructure developer and drone services operator, Skyports.
    He is responsible for leading Skyports’ businesses in vertiport
    infrastructure and drone services in APAC, including business
    development, project management and technology deployment.
    Prior to joining Skyports, Yun was a core leader of McKinsey & Company's Travel, Logistics and Infrastructure practice, and held previous roles at ICF Aviation and United Airlines. He has experience leading corporate strategy, operations improvement and transactional projects for airlines, airports, aerospace OEMs, MROs, aviation regulators and investors in the aviation sector.
    Yun holds a Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering with summa cumlaude from University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, and a Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) from Harvard Business School. He is also a certified FAA private pilot (aircraft single engine land with instrument rating) with over 200 hours of flight time.
  • 13
    How EDB could support UAM/AAM players in expanding their business in Singapore

    Trevor Wong

    Singapore Economic Development Board
    Regional Director

    Mr. Trevor Wong is the Regional Director of the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB). He is based in Korea and oversees the engagement of global companies to facilitate investments and transform their operations in Singapore. Concurrently, Trevor is on EDB’s Japan & Korea desk where he works closely with business associations and chambers of commerce to help their members succeed in Asia via Singapore.
    Prior to his current appointment, Trevor was in EDB’s Hub Services & Connectivity division where he supported the development of Singapore’s supply chain strategy through initiatives like warehouse transformation and supply chain control tower.
    Trevor received his bachelor’s degree in Creative Technology Management from Yonsei University in South Korea.
  • 12
    UAM/AAM development and certification policy in Italy

    Ennio Borgna


    Ennio Borgna graduated in Electronic Engineering from the University of Rome "Sapienza". Since 2003 he has been in ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) initially in the Center Operations Directorate, dealing with certification and surveillance of maintenance organisations, production organizations and commercial air transport operators.
    Since 2021, at the Regulation and Research Directorate of Innovative Mobility of Enac, he has been responsible for issuing operational authorizations in specific categories pursuant to EU Implementing Regulation 2021/947 and for issuing LUC (Light Unmanned Certificate) certifications.
    He was also Project Manager of the AURORA project (itAlian Urban aiR mObility technologies and distRibuted test fAcility) financed by ASI (Italian Space Agency) and managed by ESA (European Space Agency).
  • 11
    Standardization of UAM Control system

    Jae Woo Kim

    Korean air
    Korean Air professional members

    ▶ 광운대 방위사업학 박사 (논문 : UAS)
    ▶ 대한항공 UAM PM
    ▶ G3AM 정책/협력 분과위원장
    ▶ 육해공 무인인동체 융복합 협업 네트워크 공중분과위원장
    ▶ 항공교통학회 이사
  • 10
    UAM/AAM technology development cases

    Dr. Andreas Riener

    Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI)
    Professor for Human-Machine Interaction and Virtual Reality

  • 9
    UAM/AAM technology development cases

    Antonios Tsourdos

    Cranfield University
    Professor of Autonomous Systems and Control

    Antonios Tsourdos obtained an MEng on Electronic, Control and Systems Engineering from the University of Sheffield (1995), an MSc on Systems Engineering from Cardiff University (1996) and a PhD on Nonlinear Robust Flight Control Design and Analysis from Cranfield University (1999). He is a Professor of Autonomous Systems and Control with Cranfield University. He was appointed Head of the Autonomous Systems Group in 2007, Head of the Centre of Autonomous and Cyber-Physical Systems in 2012 and Director of Research - Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing in 2015.
    Professor Tsourdos was chair of the IFAC Technical Committee on Aerospace Control (2017 - 2023), and member of the IMechE Mechatronics, Informatics And Control Group. He is editorial board member for the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, the Aerospace Science and Technology, the International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, the Control Engineering Practice, the International Journal of Systems Science and the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. He has also served in the editorial board member of the IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems and the IEEE Transactions of Instrumentation and Measurement.
    He is member of AIAA Advanced Air Mobility Certification Task Force. He is leading for Cranfield University a number of UKRI Future Flight Challenge projects on advanced air mobility operations.
    Professor Tsourdos research is focussed on autonomy. He has published widely on guidance, control and navigation for single and multiple autonomous vehicles as well as mission planning.
  • 8
    UAM Operation Policy

    Olaf Bünck

    Amd.sigma, a member Munich Airport International
    Senior Manager

    Olaf C. Bünck is a Senior Manager at amd.sigma, specializing in Strategic Airport Development with a focus on advanced air mobility (AAM) and vertiport design.
    He holds a master’s degree in Real Estate Management and a diploma in Architecture from Technische Universität Berlin, with over 20 years of industry experience.
    Since joining amd.sigma in 2016, Olaf has led projects integrating AAM into urban infrastructure, including innovative designs for multi-storey car park vertiports.
    Additionally, he has planned airport cities and led masterplan projects globally, showcasing his expertise in comprehensive project planning and urban development​.
  • 7
    UAM Operation Policy

    George Rey

    Houma-Terrebonne Airport
    President, UAS Gulf of Mexico Center of Excellence

    Lieutenant Commander Rey retired from the U.S. Navy after completing 33 years of active duty in the United States Navy’s Submarine Service. During that period he served on 5 submarines, 3 major staffs, and two tours in the Pentagon.
    He started COTS Technology, a consulting company, supporting industry, academic, and government entities in operational and research endeavors with a focus on Robotic systems.
    Commander Rey is the founder and President of the UAS Gulf of Mexico Center of Excellence (UGC) a 501 (C) (3) Research and Development.
    The UGC is working with MITRE to conduct a preliminary airspace analysis aimed at realizing its vision and goals) for future airspace growth throughout the State of Louisiana starting first with the Houma-Terrebonne Airport (KHUM).
    The analysis serves as a foundational step towards integrating traditional crewed operations with emerging technologies such as Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS), Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), Regional Air Mobility (RAM), and Urban Air Mobility (UAM), including electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft. Moreover, the UGC is partnering with several private companies to build an AAM demonstration vertiport platform for testing eVTOL aircraft out into the Gulf of Mexico in support of oil and gas platforms.
    The UGC is seeking international cooperation partnerships involving various cities, airports, and research institutes.
  • 6
    UAM/AAM technology development cases

    Guillaume Côté


    Guillaume Côté PhD is President and CEO of the Consortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in Québec (CRIAQ) since April 1st, 2024.
    Previously at Collins Aerospace, he was responsible for developing global strategy for a business division with more than 10,000 employees. Among his achievements were Collins’ strategy for North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) modernization and his leadership on advanced technologies strategy workshops.
    He was also Vice-President of Technology and Innovation for the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC). There, he led an extensive national
    consultation leading to the drafting of the Aerospace Innovation White Paper in 2016.
    Prior to this, Guillaume worked ten years in the federal public service as a senior advisor and manager in the aerospace, defence, energy, and infrastructure sectors, as well as in regional economic development. He also led the renewal of
    Canada’s bilateral science, technology and innovation action plans with France, Germany, Italy, and the European Union.
    In 2009, Guillaume was one of two Canadians selected for the European Union Visitors Program. To this day, he remains actively involved in the INRS community – his alma mater - and contributes to several industry associations, networks and
    think tanks.
    Guillaume is an expert in innovation ecosystems. He holds a B.A. in Political Science from Laval University, including a year exchange at the University of Lausanne. His academic background includes a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Urban Studies from INRS, as well as a French doctorate in Geography and Planning.